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“Welcome To Stretched Fusion's New And Improved 90 Day Challenge!”

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“Welcome To Stretched Fusion's New and Improved 90 Day Challenge!”

This Video Training Series Is Designed In A 90 Day Challenge Format To Help You Get Peak Results And Help You Get Or Stay In The Best Shape Of Your Life!

It Will Start With Core Conditioning, Then Get You To Build Total Body Strength And Finally Challenge You To Get Optimal Results By The End Of the 90 Days!

Get Your 90 Day Challenge 2.0 Today
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This Series Consists Of 12 Different Videos Which Have Been Crafted By A Top Pilates Trainer 'Amber Flowers' To Assist You In Getting The Best Results With Our Premium Pilates Bar!


Stretched Fusion’s 90 Day Challenge 2.0


$ 39.99
$ 79.99
  • Guaranteed To Deliver Results
  • Created In An Easy To Follow Format
  • Suitable For Any Fitness Level
  • Say Goodbye To Expensive Pilates Sessions

Lower body workouts

Upper body workouts

Core workouts

Improved flexibility and posture

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“This is amazing. I absolutely Love Amber and her teaching style. Not only am I getting amazing results with her workouts but Her personality is also amazing.”


  • Verified Customer
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“I love my pilates bar! I am not a gym go-er and my work schedule makes it difficult to get to fitness classes, so the pilates bar and these classes is a nice alternative. It feels great getting back into shape and if you stick with it, you will see results. It is so versatile and easy to do, I'd recommend it to everyone!”


  • Verified Customer
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“I’ve always been looking to start in the Pilates word, and now that I found this product and this workout series it makes me so happy that I can do it from the comfort of my home, this is such an amazing product, the quality and the colors are so good, if you want to start doing Pilates you definitely needs to get this, it would bring you the strength and the flexibility that you always wanted to have. I am in love with this product ❤️”


  • Verified Customer


Wellness Starter

Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
  • Free Shipping
  • Free Return
  • Secure Checkout
$ 59.99
$ 119.98
  • 100% No-Risk Money Back Guarantee

Big Offer For You

Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
  • 1 Pila
  • Free Return
  • Secure Checkout
$ 59.99
$ 119.98
  • 100% No-Risk Money Back Guarantee

Big Offer For You

Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
Multi-Functional Pilates Bar
  • 1 Pila
  • Free Return
  • Secure Checkout
$ 59.99
$ 119.98
  • 100% No-Risk Money Back Guarantee
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What's Included:

● Link To The Video Training Series (Sent Via Email A Few Minutes After Ordering)

● Training Schedule PDF (Sent Via Email)

*Please note that the purchase of these instructional videos is non-refundable as you will have instant access to the videos.*

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